We’ve already covered the easy steps to find and join a Telegram channel here, but what about leaving a channel/group/chat you’re not interested in anymore?
- Open the channel on the Telegram app
- Tap the 3 dots icon in the top right corner
- Tap leave channel
And it’s really as simple as that.
Not let’s run through more detailed steps with screenshots, as well as some alternative channel options like disabling notifications and muting a channel.
Illustrated Steps To Leave A Channel
Leaving a Telegram channel is a couple of taps process on the mobile app:
Step #1 – Open up Telegram and then load up the channel you want to leave by tapping it on your home screen.
Step #2 – Once on the channel page, tap the 3 dots icon in the top right corner:
Step #3 – Once you tap the 3 dots, a mini-menu appear with an option to Leave Channel:
Tap it and you’ll leave the channel right away and it’ll be removed from your channel/thread list on your homepage. That’s it!
There are some closely related settings, where you can “turn a channel down” rather than leaving it altogether, which we’ll also cover just below.
Alternative Option – Turn Off Notifications Or Mute Channel
A different option to stay in channels/chats, but quieten them down, is to simply disable notifications. This is also the same as Muting a channel. You can do this for both single channels, or globally across Telegram.
For a single channel:
- Open the channel and tap the blue banner at the top with the channel name and thumbnail.
- Toggle off the Notifications switch
- This turns off all notifications for that single channel/group/chat.
For all of Telegram:
- Load up your Telegram homepage with all the channels/chats listed.
- Tap the 3 lines burger icon in the top right corner.
- Tap Settings
- Tap Notifications and Sounds
- Toggle the switches off to disable notifications for Private Chats/Groups/Channels
- This turns off these features for all channels and chats you’ve joined
We have an article on disabling notifications on Telegram with more detailed steps.