Telegram really is a great platform for sharing information, views and links. The trouble is, some channels on there really make a lot of posts during even one day, to the point where it can be difficult to sift through even that day’s posts to find one specific post from a certain channel.
And if you’re trying to find a post on a channel from a few weeks or months ago – good luck finding it manually! On channels that make a lot of posts every day, you’ll be scrolling up through all the posts for a long time before you find the one you want.
Thankfully, as long as you remember the general gist of a post in terms of some words used or the general topic, there is a search feature within Telegram, both to find channels, and comments/posts within a channel, no matter how far back they were posted.
Let’s cover simple steps for both mobile and desktop, to find a historical comment that might have been made a while ago on Telegram:
- Tap the magnifying glass icon on your Telegram home page.
- Search for and load up the channel the post was made on.
- Tap the 3 dots icon in the top right corner and tap Search
- Search for keywords related to the post.
- A list of all posts made with those words on that channel comes up.
- Use the arrow icons to move up and down these posts to find the one you want.
Now let’s go through more detailed steps with screenshots.
How To Find A Past Comment (Mobile Steps)
Mobile is the most common medium which Telegram is used, on let’s cover how to dig up a past comment on phone/tablet:
Step #1 – Find The Channel – You do need to remember the channel the post was made on to find a specific post. If it’s already on your channel list, just tap on it to open it up. Otherwise, on your Telegram home page, tap the Magnifying Glass search icon in the top right corner:
Search for the channel the post was made on, and a list should come up. Tap on the correct channel top open it up.
Step #2 – Search Within the Channel – Once you’ve brought up the correct channel, tap on the 3 dots icon in the top right corner, and then tap Search again:
As long as you do this when within the Telegram channel that the post was made on, this loads up a search feature to search for words within all previous posts made on that channel.
Step #3 – Find The Previous Post/Comments – In the search bar, type in keywords you remember from the post, or words related to the general topic of it. Depending on how much you remember, you may need to try some different keywords before you find the right post.
Once you type in a keyword(s) and hit search, a list of all posts containing that word(s) ever posted on that telegram channel will appear, starting with the most recent first.
You can then use the up/down arrows at the bottom to move through all these past posts, to find the one you want. The Up arrow moves you further back in time to older posts containing the word(s) searched, the down arrow back to more recent ones:
Once you find the past post you’re looking for, if you then want to copy the link to that specific post to send it yourself or someone else, tap on it, and an option to Copy Link comes up. Tap on it, and it’s then copied to your clipboard, ready to paste in and send by email or another method.
Find A Past Comment (Desktop Steps)
Desktop works virtually the same as mobile, except it’s got less functionality just using it on a browser.
If you’ve already downloaded the desktop app version of Telegram, follow exactly the same steps as for mobile above – load up, or search for, the channel, tap 3 dots, then Search, type in the keywords and find the relevant historical post from the list that comes up.
If you’re just using the most basic desktop version of Telegram on a browser, without being signed in or using the app, you can still find a previous comment, but you need to search for and load up the channel directly.
Here are the steps:
Step #1 – Find and load up channel – Use any search engine like Google or Duckduckgo to search for, and load up, the channel the comment was made on. Just type in “(channel name) Telegram” and it’ll be one of the first results that comes up (usually in a link format). If you’re loaded onto the front page of the channel, click on Preview channel to load up the latest posts.
Step #2 – Search for previous post – Once the posts page of the channel in question is loaded up, use the search bar in the top right to search for keywords related to the post that was made:
Step #3 – Find Post – Once you’ve made the search, a list of all previous posts from that channel containing those word(s) comes up, most recent first. Scroll up in your browser to go further back to previous posts. Because the desktop browser version of Telegram is really only a Preview version with the least functionality, you can’t actually copy post links – you need the mobile or desktop app version to do this. But you can at least view historical posts, and click through to any linked articles.