Telegram is really a great channel for the dissemination of alternative information, but one frustration is that is can be hard to quickly find a video that may have been posted on there a long time ago on a particular channel.
This is especially true on very busy and active channels that post a lot daily. Scrolling back up a chat manually to find a video that was posted on there even 2 weeks or 1 month ago can take absolutely ages if the channel is making lots of posts every day.
Thankfully, there is an option within a channel’s settings on Telegram to look up all previous videos posted on there, so you can more easily find the one you want that may have been posted a while ago. You don’t need to manually scroll back up the chat, but one catch is that you do need to remember at least the channel it was posted on.
Here are the quick steps:
- Load up the channel the video was uploaded to
- Tap the blue banner at the top where the channel name/picture is.
- Tap the Media tab to see all past videos on the channel.
Now let’s run through more detailed steps with screenshots.
Finding An Old Video On A Channel (Easy Steps)
There’s an easy option to view all historical media (videos/pictures/audio/links) that have ever been posted on a Telegram channel. Therefore as long as you know the channel an older video was posted on, it’s not too hard to find.
Load up the channel, and tap the blue banner at the top, where the channel/person’s name and picture is:
A new channel settings page loads up, and part way down there are multiple tabs linking you to all previous media posted on the channel.
Tap the Media tab to reveal all previous videos and pictures posted, most recent first, right back to the channel’s creation:
You can then tap on individual videos to view and/or download them as well.
Searching A Channel For Old Posts/Videos
The above option is great if you just want to find and watch the single video in isolation. If you’d rather however find the entire post the video/picture was attached to, again this might be possible if you remember the general “gist” of it in terms of some words used in it.
The Telegram app does have a feature to search within individual channels for past posts. Here’s how you use it:
Load up the channel, tap the 3 dots icon at the top right, then Search channel:
A search box then loads which allows you to search for keywords in all posts made on that channel:
Type in related keywords or words you remember being used in the post, and a list of results will come up of relevant posts, only within that channel, starting with the most recent first.
You can then use the Up arrow at the bottom to go back in time to find the historical post the video/picture/audio was attached to, so you can view it in context:
Can You Find Old Posts/Videos via Search Engines?
One option that could be considered is just using search engines like Google or DuckDuckGo. Can you find old Telegram posts, or pictures/media by using search engines?
Unfortunately, you can’t at this moment in time. You can find individual channels by searching “channel name” plus Telegram on search engines (see here), but individual posts and other media can’t be retrieved via search engines yet. You have to do it by manually searching within the Telegram app itself.