Telegram is an excellent social media platform for posting large amounts of information, but that can also be a weakness. On busy channels/chats where a lot of posts are made daily, it can take a while to even scroll back up a few days to find a previous video/image/link posted on there.
Thankfully, Telegram does have a feature to make it more easy to quickly see ALL media that’s ever been posted to a certain channel/group/chat, all bundled together in one place, so you can quickly find the piece of media you want if it was from a long time ago.
Maybe there’s a video posted there a while ago that you really want to watch again, or an image or link you want to copy to send to someone else. Whatever you’re looking for from the past, you can usually dig it up from within any Telegram channel or chat.
Here’s what you do:
- Load up the channel
- Tap the banner at the top of a channel
- Scroll down to see all previous posted media in chronological order;
- Switch to the tab you want to search for all previous media types.
Now let’s run through more detailed steps with screenshots.
How To Access All Past Media On A Channel/Chat/Group (Easy Steps)
It’s pretty easy to find all previous media ever posted to a single Telegram channel/group/chat one you know where to look. Let’s do a quick example using Joe Rogan’s Telegram channel.
Step #1 – Load up the Telegram channel in question, and tap/click on the blue banner at the top where the person/chat/channel name is, along with the thumbnail:
Step #2 – A channel settings page should load, and part way down there is a section which is split into different tabs, displaying all previous media posted to that channel (videos/images/links etc).
Video and images are under the Media tab:
And that’s it, you’re there! You’ve found the media history for that channel to browse through as you want.
What Media Is Stored On A Telegram Channel?
Depending on what has been previously posted on an individual Telegram channel/chat/group, any or all of the following media types may be stored under the Media section of the channel:
- Videos (under the Media tab together with images)
- Image (under the Media tab together with videos)
- Files (PDFs, zip files etc)
- Music files
- Voice files
- Web links
- GIFs (moving images)
All data is stored in chronological order – most recent first at the top. Scroll down on each tab to move to things posted further back in time on that channel/group/chat.
Finding Posts That Media Were Connected To
The Media section of a Telegram channel only contains the audio/video/images in isolation. If you’d rather also find the posts there were actually connected to, this might also be possible, even if from a long time ago on that channel.
As long as you know the general topic of the post, plus any keywords that were in it, you can search within a Telegram channel.
Here’s a quick summary of how:
- Search for and load up the channel the post was made on.
- Tap the 3 dots icon in the top right corner and tap Search
- Search for keywords related to the post.
- A list of all posts made with those words on that channel comes up.
- Use the arrow icons to move up and down these posts to find the one you want.
See our full guide on finding a historical post on a Telegram Channel/group/chat, for more detailed steps with screenshots.